This is the Fanart section. If you have any fanarts you want me to add, please mail them to Iddi with your Name/nickname and I'll add them as soon as I can.

PS. .ART and .BMP files will not be accepted. Only JPG/JPEG, TIFF and GIF.

PPS. If you want me to show your e-mail for public, please tell me in the mail.


1. Mega Man X with a new armor

2. Rave, a new Mega Man Character Iddi made

3. Rave With a new armor

4. The RepliBand!

5. Mega Man X in the weekends...

6. Zero attacking

7. Zero slashing his saber

8. A family pic of Mega Man, Roll and Protoman

9. Mega Man is looking into the future

10. The creation of Mega Man


1. A pretty cool Mega Man Fanart.


1. A cool Fanart With nice pose.


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